Nonchalant Guidance

About Me·RSS·My Projects·LinkedIn

Added on: Friday, 30 July, 2021 | Updated on: Saturday, 02 December, 2023

About Me

Hello there!

My name is Saksham Mittal. I have been fascinated by computers from a very early age. It’s pretty mind-blowing to imagine that this one tool can do so many different tasks and how seamless it is to move from one task to another, The number of possibilities only increases once someone is introduced to scripting, programming, etc. Because of this, I’ve learned numerous skills, like:

This project even uses a custom reliable data transfer protocol built on top of UDP so I can learn more how other such reliable networking works and implementing their solutions myself

I’ve begun to learn more about how computers work as time goes on, and will write more about this here. It’s really a fascinating subject. I hope to build some cool software myself, learn more and share some tips/tricks/guides on how I did so.

I am currently pursuing a B.Tech degree from the National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra in Information Technology.

Why I started this blog

These are mainly learning resources that I have used myself and have found to be pretty good.

Contact Info

You can email me at hi AT gotlou DOT com. This is a new email I'm trying out now.

Email me about:

Don’t email me about:

If you want end-to-end encrypted communication with me, you can also use Matrix by clicking on this link to contact me.

PGP key

Click here to get my public key for encrypting email communications. If you don’t want to go through the hassle, consider using Matrix to get in touch with me, or Signal in case you have my phone number.

Code hosting

I maintain a SourceHut account where I post most of my interesting projects. I like SourceHut due to it’s sparse but functional UI, the non-requirement of JavaScript, and the renewed emphasis on using mailing lists, which allows people with no accounts to easily contribute to other projects. This website is also hosted on SourceHut Pages.

I also have a GitHub account where used to host my code. I am just using it as a mirror and to work on projects hosted on Github, and same goes for my GitLab account where I mirror my code as well. I do this in order to keep a backup of my projects in case anything ever happens to any one of the accounts.

This website was made using Markdown, Pandoc, and a custom program to automatically add headers and footers (including this one) to any document that’s published here.

Copyright © 2023 Saksham Mittal. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International License