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Added on: Wednesday, 02 March, 2022 | Updated on: Saturday, 02 December, 2023

Archiving URLs automatically

A foray into shell scripting

I have been looking into getting into shell scripting for a long time, mostly because it’s a very simple but powerful way to automate boring and tedious tasks.

One such task that I think is pretty important is archiving websites for future use. The Internet is not a static place, but rather surprisingly volatile, prone to websites suddenly (and sometimes permanently) going offline, or paywalls being constructed to make reading even one random article an exercise in frustration. As an example, I tried to find resources on how to get started with kernel development, and was able to find an interview Greg Kroah-Hartman gave on, a website that seems to now return a 404 error on even it’s homepage, let alone the link I found.

TuxRadar 404 Error Well, that’s no good. And it doesn’t even have proper HTTPS!

To get around this issue, I used the Internet Archive to view an archive that it had stored from 2014.

TuxRadar Archived Webpage Now, that’s better. Thanks Internet Archive!

The Internet Archive is an amazing project set up to build not only just a collection of webpages from years past and years to come, but also:

The Internet Archive also provides a helpful way to archive any webpages you come across as well, and this is the subject of this post.

While as of the writing of this article, my website is a bit sparse when it comes to external links, I expect this to change as time goes on. Also, I have a lot of links saved in plain text files for future reference. These are primarily resources I access from time to time, or rather information about topics I’d like to know more about. I don’t really want to be in a situation where I need to access these resources only to be greeted with a 404 error.

I was looking into ways to automate saving URLs to The preferred tool to do so is ia, which is a Python tool for interacting with the Internet Archive through the command line.

However, this tool is a bit overkill for my purposes. I really only want one feature out of all the ones that ia offers.

Luckily, there’s a much easier, and barebones way to archive a given URL; by prefixing to the beginning of the URL, you can tell Internet Archive to save the URL. If, for example, you tell the service to make excessive archives, it will automatically deny the request.

So, at this point, what I really wanted was to get a bit more familiar with shell scripting and use standard utilities to make a script that would read the raw HTML, extract the URLs and then use curl to send a request to the Internet Archive to archive them.

I also didn’t really want to spam them with requests, so I also added a simple sleep command to send out requests every 2 seconds.

The script just outputs the headers of the response gotten back from the Archive. If it’s a 302 FOUND message, and it has a location header with a URL, most likely it’s been archived.

The code is at this link. I initially was just going to post it here, but I decided that there were still some modifications to be made and it would be better to have them somewhere more easily updated.

It’s also licensed under the public domain, so that not a single bit will be lost to the void (I kind of like that).

That’s all for today. Bye for now!

This website was made using Markdown, Pandoc, and a custom program to automatically add headers and footers (including this one) to any document that’s published here.

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